
अरुणभ्याली हाइड्रोको हकप्रद शेयर खरीद गर्ने आज अन्तिम दिन, रिडी पावरको भने भोलिसम्म विक्रीमा रहने

अरुणभ्याली हाइड्रोको हकप्रद शेयर खरीद गर्ने आज अन्तिम दिन, रिडी पावरको भने भोलिसम्म विक्रीमा रहने

Arun Valley Hydropower Closing Issue of 1: 1 Right Shares from Today

Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Limited (AHPC) is closing the issue of a 1:1 ratio of right share to its shareholders at a par value of Rs. 100 from today i.e. on 7th Chaitra, 2080. The iss...

अरुण भ्याली हाइड्रोपावरको हकप्रदमा आवेदन दिने आज अन्तिम दिन

अरुण भ्याली हाइड्रोपावर डेभलपमेन्ट कम्पनी लिमिटेड (@AHPC@) फागुन १७ गतेदेखि निष्काशन तथा बिक्री खुला गरेको हकप्रद शेयरमा आवेदन दिने आज (चैत ७ गते) अन्तिम दिन रहेको छ। कम्पनीले हाल कायम चुक्ता पूँजीको शत प्रतिशत हकप्रद शेयर निष्काशन गरेको हो।

3 Days Left to Apply For Right Shares of Ridi Power Company Limited And Only 2 Days Left For Arun Valley Hydropower

Ridi Power Company Limited (RIDI) is closing its 1:0.50 ratio right shares to its shareholders from 8th Chaitra, 2080. The issue opened on the 18th Falgun and will close on the 8th Chaitra, 2080, at...

Final Two Days Remaining to Apply for 1: 0.5 Right Shares of Ridi Power Company Limited

Ridi Power Company Limited (RIDI) is closing its 1:0.50 ratio right shares to its shareholders from 8th Chaitra, 2080. The issue opened on the 18th Falgun and will close on the 8th Chaitra, 2080, at...

Final Two Days Remaining to Apply for 1: 1 Right Shares of Arun Valley Hydropower

Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Limited (AHPC) is closing its 1: 1 ratio right shares to its shareholders from 7th Chaitra, 2080. The issue opened on the 17th Falgun and will close on the...

अरुण भ्यालीको हकप्रदमा आवेदन दिने भोली अन्तिम दिन, अहिलेसम्म कति पर्यो आवेदन?

अरुण भ्याली हाइड्रोपावर डेभलपमेन्ट कम्पनी लिमिटेड (@AHPC@) को हकप्रद शेयरका लागि आवेदन दिने भोली अर्थात चैत ७ गते अन्तिम दिन रहेको छ। कम्पनीले फागुन १७ गतेदेखि १ बराबर १ अनुपातमा प्रतिशेयर १०० रुपैयाँ अंकित मूल्यका १ करोड ८६ लाख ७९ हजार ६२६ कित्ता हकप्रद शेयर निष्काशन तथा बिक्री खुला गरेको थियो।

दुई कारोबार दिनमा अपर तामाकोशी हाइड्रोपावरको ६६ करोडभन्दा बढीको शेयर किनबेच

दुई कारोबार दिनमा अपर तामाकोशी हाइड्रोपावरको ६६ करोडभन्दा बढीको शेयर किनबेच

NEPSE Concludes The Week With 2.48% Gain and Turnover of Rs 15.66 Arba; Weekly Summary with Sector Comparison, Major Highlights, and More

Part 1: Rundown and Technical Analysis This week, the NEPSE Index closed at 2.080.87 after gaining 50.32 points (1.68%). The index closed at 2,030.55 last week, gaining 2.96% from the previous week....

सिंगटी हाईड्रो इनर्जीको हकप्रद शेयरको बाँडफाँट सम्पन्न

सिंगटी हाईड्रो इनर्जी लिमिटेड(@SHEL@)ले निष्काशन गरेको हकप्रद शेयर फागुन ३० मा बाँडफाँट गरिएकाे छ ।

Singati Hydro Energy's Right Share Allocation On 30th Falgun, 2080

Singati Hydro Energy Limited (SHEL) issued right shares from the 2nd to 22nd Falgun, allotted to existing shareholders on the 30th Falgun, 2080. The issuance of 1,45,00,000 units of right shares at R...

Mathillo Mailun Khola Set to Conclude Lock-in Period for 75,000 Units Mutual Fund Shares On 2nd Baishakh

Mathillo Mailun Khola Jalvidhyut Limited (MMKJL) has issued a notice to its investors and stakeholders, informing them about the upcoming conclusion of the lock-in period for 75,000 unit shares held b...