बैतडीको देहीमाडौंमा प्रभु बैंकको ३०३औँ शाखा संचालनमा
काठमाडौं। प्रभु बैंक लिमिटेडले बैतडीमा शाखा विस्तार गरेको छ। दशरथचन्द नगरपालिका
काठमाडौं। प्रभु बैंक लिमिटेडले बैतडीमा शाखा विस्तार गरेको छ। दशरथचन्द नगरपालिका
काठमाडौं। प्रभु बैंकका कर्मचारी तथा ग्राहकले धुलिखेलस्थित आगन्तुक रिसोर्टमा
काठमाडौं । पिपुल्स इनर्जी लिमिटेडले सेयर प्रत्याभूति व्यवस्थापन कार्य गर्न
काठमाडौं। नागरिक लगानी कोष र युनाइटेड मेवा खोला हाइड्रोपावर लिमिटेडले सेयर प्रत्याभूति गर्ने सम्बन्धी सम्झौता सम्पन्न भएको छ। सम्झौतापत्रमा कोषका[...]
काठमाडौँ । बिजनेस ईन्टरेष्ट ग्रुप अफ ईण्डष्ट्रिज लिमिटेडले आइपीआ निष्काशन गर्ने भएको छ । कम्पनीले सर्वसाधारणलाई
काडमाडौं। नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले साधना लघुवित्त र सबैको लघुवित्तलाई मर्जरको
समामा कुनै बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्थासँग मर्जर वा एक्विजिसनमा जानुपर्ने भएमा सम्पूर्ण कार्य गर्ने अख्तियारी सञ्चालक समितिलाई प्रदान गर्ने एजेन्डा पनि सभामा पेश हुनेछ ।
The existing promoter of Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) is auctioning 1,62,967 units of shares to the interested promoter shareholders from today. Raghunath Pradhan intends to sell 1,62,967 units of promo...
Sadhana Laghubitta Bittiya Santha Limited (SDLBSL) is going to merger with Sabaiko Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SABSL) For this purpose, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has given the final approval on
Sabaiko Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SABSL) and Sadhana Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SDLBSL) have officially received final approval for their merger from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB). Accor...
काठमाडौं । प्राइम कमर्सियल बैंक लिमिटेडले जेठ २५ गते देखि लिलामीमा ल्याएको १२ लाख ४१ हजार ११ कित्ता संस्थापक शेयरमा
The existing promoters of Prime Commercial Bank Limited (PCBL) are selling 12,41,011 units of promoter shares in an auction to the general public/institutions, which commenced on 25th Jestha, 2081, an...
Guheshwari Merchant Banking and Finance Limited (GMFIL), operational since 2059/02/30, has now entered its 23rd year. Over the past 22 years, it has continuously provided banking services and engaged...
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited (KSBBL), located in Butwal, Rupandehi, has signed an agreement with Thyro Lab Butwal Pvt. Ltd. to offer a 20% discount on lab services to the bank's customers. This init...
Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) signed an agreement with Jaljala Multiple Campus in Rolpa to provide bank loans to the permanent professors and employees of the campus. The signing ceremony took place at the...