मेरो माइक्रोफाइनान्सको सेयर संरचना परिवर्तन
यसअघि संस्थापक र सर्वसाधारणको संरचना अनुपात ६९.४० र ३०.६० प्रतिशत थियो ।
यसअघि संस्थापक र सर्वसाधारणको संरचना अनुपात ६९.४० र ३०.६० प्रतिशत थियो ।
2,56,050 shares of Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SLBSL) after a successful merger between Samudayik Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha and BPW Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (BPW) have bee...
A notice has been published by Mero Microfinance Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (MERO) where the promoter-public shares conversion from the existing 69.40% - 30.60% has been changed to 59.40% - 40...
एनआईबिएल प्रगती फण्ड परिपक्व भएपछि इकाईधनीहरुलाई रकम फिर्ता भुक्तानी
मर्जर पश्चात कायम नेरुडे मिर्मिरे लघुविक्त र सामुदायिक लघुवित्तको शेयर सूचीकृत
Part 1: Rundown and Technical Analysis The NEPSE Index closed at 2,018.76 after gaining 52.53 points (2.67%). The index closed at 1,966.23 last week losing 1.64% from the previous week. This week, t...
अपि पावर कम्पनीका सञ्चालक इन्द्रमणि त्रितालको राजीनमा स्वीकृत
प्रस्तावित १०६ मेगावाटको जगदुल्ला जलविद्युत् आयोजना बनाउन लगानी जुटेको छ।
लक्ष्मी सनराइज बैंकले ‘शिक्षित लक्ष्मी’ पहलको थालनी गरेको छ।
सिटिजन्स बैंक र लाजिम्पाटको दुसित प्रिन्सेसले बैंकका ग्राहकलाई छुट दिने सम्बन्धमा हस्ताक्षर गरेका छन्।
Website IME Life Insurance Company Limited will conduct its 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Jestha 28, 2080 BS The meeting will take place at Amrapali Banquet Catering and Event P Ltd, Naxal, Kathmandu
यो सेयरमा जो कोही व्यक्ति, कम्पनी तथा विभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरुले आवेदन दिन सक्नेछन् ।
The existing promoter of Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) is selling its 3,14,140 units promoter share in an auction from today i.e. 4th Jestha to 18th Jestha, 2081. 3,14,140 units of promoter shares will b...
Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL) and Dusit Princess Kathmandu have signed a memorandum of understanding, offering special discounts to Citizens Bank customers. Cardholders and mobile banki...
IME Life Insurance Company Limited (ILI) has called its 7th AGM on 28th Jestha, 2081. The meeting will be held in Amrapali Banquet, Naxal, Kathmandu, starting at 11:00 AM that day. Among the other ag...