
साल्ट ट्रेडिङ कर्पोरेसनले निकाल्यो यस्तो वित्तीय विवरण

साल्ट ट्रेडिङ कर्पोरेसन लिमिटेडले आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१–८२ को पहिलो त्रैमाससम्मको वित्तीय विवरण सार्वजनिक गरेको छ ।

SEBON Adds IPO Proposals of 4 Companies Micro InsuranceSector To Its Pipeline

The IPO proposal of Guardian Micro Life Insurance Limited is in SEBON's pipeline. The company has submitted a proposal to the capital market regulator to issue a total of 2,250,000 shares. This will...

4 Micro Life Insurance & Micro Insurance Companies to Sell 90 Lakh Shares in IPO

Four micro life insurance and micro insurance companies are in the process of issuing the shares to the general public These companies include: These companies have already submitted an application to

निफ्राले तीन महिनामा कमायो ३५ करोड रुपैयाँ, कस्ता छन् अन्य वित्तीय सूचक ?

काठमाडौँ । नेपाल इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर बैंक (निफ्रा)ले चालु आवको पहिलो त्रैमाससम्मको अपरिष्कृत वित्तीय विवरण सार्वजनिक

Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Proposes 50 Percent Dividend

Bottlers Nepal Terai (BNT) has announced dividend to the shareholders The dividend declaration is from the fiscal year 2080/81 The board meeting of the company held on November 20, 2024 [Mangsir 5, 2081

प्रि ओपन सेसनमा नेप्से सूचक घट्यो

 प्रि ओपन सेसनमा नेप्से सूचक ०.०१९ विन्दुले घटेको  छ । यससँगै सूचक २७११.५५ अंकमा अडिएको छ ।

Sagar Distillery to Float 792,000 Shares in IPO

Sagar Distillery Limited is in the process of issuing shares to the public (IPO) For this purpose, the company has submitted the application to the Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) on Ashwin 21, 2081

Champawati Hydropower to Float IPO | Submits Application to SEBON

Champawati Hydropower Limited is in the process of issuing shares to the public (IPO) For this purpose, the company has submitted the application to the Securites Board of Nepal (SEBON) on Karthik 4,

बोटलर्स नेपाल (तराई)ले गर्‍यो लाभांश घोषणा, सेयरधनीलाई ५० प्रतिशत नगद दिने

काठमाडौं। कोकाकोला उत्पादक कम्पनी बोटलर्स नेपाल (तराई) ले लाभांश घोषणा गरेको

Himalayan Laghubitta Calls AGM on 27th Mangsir: What Are The Agendas?

Himalayan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (HLBSL) has called its 13th AGM on 27th Mangsir, 2081. The meeting will be held in Bougainvilla Events, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, starting at 10 AM that day...

निष्कासन रोकिँदा आईपीओ पाइपलाइनमा कम्पनी संख्या ७७ पुग्यो

६ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । नेपाल धितोपत्र बोर्डको आईपीओ निष्कासनको पाइपलाइनमा ९ महिनामै ४२ कम्पनी थपिएका छन् । फागुन २० यता ४२ कम्पनी थप भएको बोर्डले जनाएको छ । यीसहित अब आईपीओ निष्कासनको पाइपलाइनमा रहेका कम्पनीको संख्या …

Thamel Plaza Hotel and Suites to Issue 10 Lakh Shares in IPO | Application Submitted To SEBON

Thamel Plaza Hotel and Suites Limited is in the process of issuing shares to the general public (IPO) For this purpose, the company has submitted the application to the Securites Board of Nepal (SEBON)

पहिलो परीक्षामा सबै फेल भएपछि राष्ट्रिय बीमा कम्पनीमा फेरि खुल्यो सीईओको आवेदन, पास मात्र भए जागिर लगभग पक्का !

काठमाडौँ । प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत (सीईओ)को पहिलो परीक्षामा सबै फेल भएपछि राष्ट्रिय बीमा कम्पनीले फेरि आवेदन खुलाएको छ । बिहीबार[...]

बोटलर्स नेपाल (तराई) को नगद लाभांश घोषणा, प्रतिसेयर ५० रुपैयाँ दिने

गत वर्ष कम्पनीले ६० प्रतिशत नगद लाभांश वितरण गरेको थियो ।

Shareholders of Bottlers Nepal (Terai) to Get Rs. 50 Per Share Dividend; Book Closure Date Yet to be Announced

Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Limited (BNT) has announced a dividend of Rs. 50 per share on equity shares of Rs. 100 each to its shareholders. As per the notice published in the Nepal Stock Exchange, the BO...