
शाइन रेसुंगालाई फेरि ‘बेस्ट म्यानेज्ड डेभलपमेन्ट बैंक’ अवार्ड

बुटवलमा प्रधान कार्यालय रहेको शाइन रेसुंगा बैंकले ‘बेस्ट म्यानेज्ड डेभलपमेन्ट बैंक’ अवार्ड २०२४ जितेको छ ।

Empowering Financial Literacy: Shangrila Development Bank's Global Money Week Initiative

Shangrila Development Bank Limited (SADBL)'s various branch offices conducted a financial education program as part of their corporate social responsibility during Global Money Week 2024. Employees f...

Citizens Bank Signs MOU with Medanta–The Medicity: 15% Discount for Cardholders

Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL) and Medanta–The Medicity in Gurugram, India, have renewed their memorandum of understanding, offering up to a 15% discount on hospital service charges...

Upper Hewakhola Hydropower Postponed 12th AGM

Upper Hewakhola Hydropower Company Limited (UHEWA) has postponed its 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) until further notice. The company had previously called its 12th AGM on 16th Chaitra, 2080...

Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Marks First Anniversary with Community Engagement

Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Limited (SRLI) celebrated its first anniversary with various events attended by the chairman, board members, CEO, and officials, marching from the company's Kamaladi off...

NEPSE Concludes The Week With 1.55% Loss Amid Rs 17.17 Arba Turnover; Weekly Summary with Technical Analysis, Sector Comparison, Major Highlights, and More

Part 1: Rundown and Technical Analysis This week, the NEPSE Index closed at 2048.57 after losing 32.30 points (1.55%). The index closed at 2,080.87 last week, gaining 1.68% from the previous week. T...

किन बढ्दैछ लघुवित्त कम्पनीको शेयरमा लगानीकर्ताको आकर्षण ?

किन बढ्दैछ लघुवित्त कम्पनीको शेयरमा लगानीकर्ताको आकर्षण ?

रिभर फल्स पावरले शतप्रतिशत हकप्रद शेयर जारी गर्ने

रिभर फल्स पावरले शतप्रतिशत हकप्रद शेयर जारी गर्ने

Kumari Bank Launches Innovative Financial Literacy Campaign

Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) recently launched initiatives aimed at enhancing financial literacy and supporting entrepreneurs. Led by CEO Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal and renowned artist Mr. Deepashree Niraula...

Global Money Week Success: Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Promotes Financial Education

Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited (KSBBL) recently concluded a financial literacy program as part of Global Money Week. This initiative, aligned with the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Develop...

रिभर फल्सले शतप्रतिशत हकप्रद जारी गर्ने

रिभर फल्स पावर लिमिटेड (@RFPL@) ले शतप्रतिशत हकप्रद शेयर जारी गर्ने भएको छ। चैत ८ गते बसेको कम्पनीको सञ्चालक समितिको बैठकले सो दरमा हकप्रद शेयर जारी गर्ने निर्णय गरेको हो।

अपर हेवाखोला हाइड्रोपावरको साधारण सभा स्थगित

अपर हेवाखोला हाइड्रोपावरको साधारण सभा स्थगित

सिटिजन्स बैंक र शंखरापुर हस्पिटलबीच समझदारी

सिटिजन्स बैंक र जोरपाटीको शंखरापुर हस्पिटलबीच बैंकका ग्राहकलाई विशेष छुट दिने सम्बन्धमा हस्ताक्षर भएको छ।

ग्लोबल बैंकको ‘ग्रिन ड्राइभ योजना’ सार्वजनिक

ग्लोबल आइएमई बैंक लिमिटेडले अटो कर्जाअन्तर्गत विद्युतीय सवारी साधन प्रवद्र्धन गर्न न्यूनतम ब्याजदरमा ग्रिन ड्राइभ योजना सार्वजनिक गरेको छ।

अर्थमन्त्री पुन र विश्व बैंकका तीन उपाध्यक्षबीच नेपालका ठूला आयोजनाबारे छलफल

अर्थमन्त्री वर्षमान पुन र विश्व बैंकका तीन उपाध्यक्षबीच नेपालका ठूला पूर्वाधार आयोजनाका विषयमा छलफल भएको छ।